How to Target Multiple Long Tail Keywords On a Single Page – Golden Tips & Checklist

You may have heard or read this many times that if you want to get more traffic to your website or blog you should be targeting long tail keywords. You may also have tried a few tools to compile a list of long tail keywords to use for your next blog post. But how do you incorporate those multiple long-tail keywords on a single content page in a natural, organic and effective way?

I could write a detailed post explaining how to properly integrate long tail keywords in your content. But I want this post to be short, crisp and provide you bullet-point checklist for long tail content optimization.

I had gone through an article from Neil Patel on this very topic of how to use and target long tail keywords. I liked the ideas he conveyed in that article. But like most of Neil’s articles, this one was also a mammoth piece of content. So I thought of creating a shorter version where I list all the nice ideas that were covered. Here you go…

How to Target Long Tail Keywords – Golden Tips by Neil Patel & Others: 

  • SEO requires caring about your users and solving their problems. While writing content your main aim should be to help your readers by addressing their problems or answering their queries. When you write content with this intention, your content will become helpful, meaningful and is likely to be naturally optimized for the relevant keywords.
  • Treat long tail keyword variations and secondary keywords as subjects/subtopics. Instead of simply trying to list the secondary keywords somewhere in your content, create subtopics and subheadings with your additional long tail keyword phrases or questions. Then write a few short, helpful paragraphs about each sub-heading or subtopic.
  • The main purpose of your content should be to help your visitors by answering their questions or solving their problems. Keywords should firmly take a back seat while you are writing the actual content. Your primary focus during content creation should be to help the user as much as you can, then finally you can tweak your content a little bit to optimize it as per the keywords you are targeting.
  • Try to create content that matches the user intent. If you do this you will be able to incorporate longtail keywords naturally. “Naturally” is the key element here. Don’t try  to stuff or use long tail keywords unnecessarily or in an unnatural manner. It can be annoying for your readers.
  • Some marketers see one instance of a keyword per 200 words as a good benchmark. For a 2,000-word article, Neil Patel generally aims to use his keyword 10-20 times—but it’s not a hard and fast rule. Keep in mind that quality is far more important than quantity.
  • You can target longtail keywords by creating valuable content answering people’s questions and helping them solve their problems. This is the secret to long term success.
  • One of the overlooked steps of properly integrating the keywords in the content is that of audience targeting. In order to create valuable content you need to have a specific target audience in mind. You need to target the right audience. When you have specifically and in sufficient detail, nailed down your target audience, writing becomes a breeze. You will be able to write effortlessly, quickly and easily and in a way that appeals to your target audience. Also you will be able to integrate the long tail keywords into the content in a much better and naturally flowing way.
  • Use long form content. Longer articles will provide more opportunities to include several keyphrases, entities and keyword variations. Your content will be more helpful to readers and have more chances of being rewarded by Google with better rankings. It is easy to write long form content by dividing your article into subtopics and sections. You can target several question-based keywords and try to answer each question in a few sentences. Try not to be lazy while writing the content. As you attempt to write more informative article and cover several subtopics and questions, content length will increase automatically. Find out how long form content can quickly grow your online business – Beauty of long form content
  • Remember – your longtail keywords don’t always have to be exact. Google and other search engines are becoming increasingly good at understanding semantics and what a page is all about. So if you can naturally include your exact long tail keyword in the content that is great. But if you can’t do it, don’t fret too much about having your keywords appear in the exact same word order or sequence.
  • When incorporating multiple long tail keywords, you should not forget about engagement and bounce rate factor. If your page has a higher bounce rate, this can reduce the revenue potential of your website and also become a major factor for a drop in rankings. Check this must-read article on how bloggers and content marketers can increase engagement
  • Using tools like UberSuggest you can uncover lot of additional long tail keywords to use on the page, which are relevant to your main keyword. You can use SEO difficulty and the search volume filters to find only those keywords which have satisfactory searches per month and which are relatively easier to rank for. This helps in avoiding time wastage by going after keywords which are too difficult or which don’t have enough search volumes. UberSuggest is a very affordable tool which any SEO specialist, content marketer or blogger should try to have.

How to Target Multiple Long Tail Keyphrases – Important Tools of the Trade:
Besides the above tips I recommend using good content optimization tools to help analyze your content so that you can know where it is lacking and how it needs to be improved. There are many good AI (Artificial Intelligence) and NLP (Natural Language Processing) based tools to help you.

However many of them are quite expensive, specially for beginner bloggers or small business marketers. There is one tool which is as good as some of the more popular ones but it doesn’t come with the heavy price tag like others. That tool is Similar Content Pro. It can  be a great arsenal for helping you improve your content drastically so that it stands a great chance of ranking highly in the search engines.

Combining the Power of UberSuggest & SimilarContent Pro
You can combine the power of UberSuggest and SimilarContent to reap huge benefits. UberSuggest will help you find tons of amazing long-tail, non-competitive keyword opportunities which you can weave into your content. After your content writing part is done, it will be time to use SimilarContent to analyze that content against other websites that are ranking highly for those keywords in the search engine.

SimilarContent will do a beautiful job of checking out how your content performs against others and what LSI words or entities you need to add to your content to make them highly relevant so that your chances of ranking improve dramatically. If you combine the capabilities of both UberSuggest and SimilarContent you can find a big percentage of your articles and blog posts ranking nicely in Google without having to build tons of backlinks to them.

Both these tools are great time savers and also have lot of potential. The amazing thing is both are inexpensive when compared to other similar tools in the market. You should not be afraid to invest some amount of money in highly useful tools which can grow your business many times over.

By the way Ubersuggest has a free version but it is extremely limited and restricted. You won’t be able to derive great benefits with just the free version. Serious bloggers and content marketers should not be afraid of investing money to further grow their business and attract tons of targeted traffic.

Get UberSuggest (aff link) and SimilarContent (aff link) today and take your online marketing to the next level.

Questions to Ask to Check if Content is Properly Optimized and Super Helpful

– Strict No-Nos While Targeting Long Tail Keywords

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