Do You Think Facebook Marketing Is Dead? Think Again!

Do you think you cannot get traffic from Facebook, that it is no longer viable? Think again!

There are millions of people searching for answers to some of their pressing problems and troubling questions. If you can provide them some sort of help in some way you can capture a sizeable portion of these people.

But People Have Become Immune to Sales Pitches
That is a genuine doubt you have. People are bombarded these days with so much promotions and advertisements that many of them turn a blind eye. However that is not to say that advertising or marketing has lost all its power. If you do it the right way, you can still grab people’s attention. The trick is not to be too pushy and salesy. We recommend following a 3 step strategy when it comes to organic Facebook marketing.

There is Just Too Much Competition
You may think the market has become saturated and there is just too much competition around. Here again you can still carve out your path and reach potential customers if you make smart moves. We recommend narrowing down your focus and targeting very narrow subset of people at a time, so that your marketing message seems tailor-made for them and strikes a chord with them – think micro-niches and sub-niches or sub-sub-niches.

Play Smart
So you see, no matter whatever challenge or hindrance is in front of you, it can be overcome if you play a little smarter. We recommend helping people out and providing value as well as interacting with your target audience in order to gain their attention. This can bring you longer lasting results than blatant and direct advertising, though direct promotions have their own place too.

Help out people. Answer their questions. Share useful tips or suggestions. Help solve some problems which your target audience faces. Do all this after you have narrowed down your niche and decided on a highly targeted group of people to go after.

Internet is Full of Information – Why Would Anyone Need My Advice?
But they could easily do the research on the internet for their problems? Why would they come to me? Your mind may be troubled with these doubts now!

You may be right in thinking so. After all the internet is filled with information about any imaginable topic. So why would anyone need you? Well, think of this way if you can provide a quick and well-organized answer to anyone so that person will not need to go and look for it elsewhere, you will have his attention, right?

You are after all saving the person lot of time by doing all the research work for him and providing him a convincing answer. The trick is that your answer should be satisfactory. It should be well-researched, well-organized, well-explained and should answer the user’s question fully and convincingly. If you can do that you can get their attention.

Besides answering questions you can also post and share relevant, useful information which are helpful and of interest to your target audience. There is no shortage of people on Facebook in any niche you can think of. You just have to go and interact with them in order to catch a sizeable portion of them and market them your products and/or services.

Just remember one thing when marketing on Facebook – you should have fun. Don’t pressurize yourself as others may be able to catch it. Be relaxed, have fun, enjoy yourself and help others as much as you can. Don’t be too pushy and don’t be too promotional. Be casual and don’t come off as a jerk.

Semi-Automation To Accelerate Your Results
You can literally make thousands of $$$ off Facebook audience if you do it right. You can do this organically without spending a dime on paid advertisements. To make it more fun, and speed up the process as well as increase the results multiple-fold you can check out this amazing piece of software – Social Prospector

Simple Paid Ads to Make Even More Money
The other option you have is to do paid advertising to accelerate your profits even further. You can literally make 7 figures if you scale with paid ads.

Check out this video which lays down step by step plan for newbies on how to make money with affiliate marketing on Facebook, through simple and affordable paid ad campaigns.

It shows you how to make simple, non-promotional posts and boost them through ads to prepare your account for the money-earning ad campaigns that you may launch later on.

It then goes on to create an over-the-shoulder ad campaign for promoting Clicbank affiliate offers, going through the main steps one by one so that you can easily follow them. Overall, a good video for beginners to Facebook paid marketing.


So it turns out that Facebook marketing is not dead at all. It is very much alive and kicking! Make the most of it!

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